Why Estate Sale Online US?
Have you ever tried selling an item on social media? Shoppers can waste your valuable time messaging and may never show up. Can you envision trying to sell a lifetime collection of household goods through social media? We can assist the executor to sell the contents of the residence reaching a larger audience online reducing the foot traffic in the home and neighborhood.
If you need the house empty in 30 days, Estate Sale Online US can accomplish this and more.
Convenience: Online allows individuals to shop from the comfort of their own home 24/7, without the need to travel to a physical location.
Larger selection: Estate Sale Online US often offers a larger selection of products than their in-person counterparts, as they are not limited by physical space.
No Discounts: Typically, an in-person estate sale will make the last day half price day because the sale lasts only 3 days. Online can last 1 -2 weeks.
No crowds: Shopping online eliminates the need to navigate through crowded spaces and deal with long lines, parking issues and navigating HOA bylaws and respects the privacy of the family.
24/7 availability: Estate Sale Online US can be accessed at any time of day or night, providing greater flexibility for those with non-traditional schedules.
No moving trucks: Buyers are responsible for picking up their own items eliminating the cost of moving items to the site.

Frequently Asked Questions
What are the first steps to Estate Sale Online US? If you are wanting to sell, you need to set up a consultation visit. A proposal will be given based on your objective and needs for the estate. As a buyer, register as a buyer to have your account established. Also join our mailing list.
Only have 1 – 10 items to sell? We welcome all sellers no matter how small or large.
What is the average timeframe of an estate sale? Depending on the number of items you have in the residence, we can be ready to start your sale in 3 days and promote the sale up to 2 weeks.
How do I know what each item sells for and when do I receive the proceeds from my sale? Every sale receives a report of each item inventoried, price and sold status. Funds are transferred to you the following Thursday after the sale is completed.
How do you inventory? We come to the residence and take photos of everything to be sold. All items stay in the residence throughout the sale.
How are items delivered to the purchasers? The sale will close on Thursday and buyer will have an appointment to pick up their items at the residence on Saturday and/or Sunday the same week.
Do you accept cash, check, Venmo? No, we only accept credit card payments.
What happens with the items that do not sell? As part of your contract, we can arrange to have the items donated.
What is the starting price on items? Pricing starts at $5. If needed, we will group similar items together to make a buying lot. We will research market prices and work with the seller. Any history you can provide on items is welcome. We also have local appraisers.
What items cannot be included in the sale? Clothes (exception to vintage items), food, non-working appliances. As part of your contract, we can assist you with removing these items from the residence.
How does your community outreach (Charitable Auction) work? Initial consultation is recommended to learn the dynamics of your non-profit organization, membership base and marketing strategy.